I'm Tim Greig

I help ignite midlife entrepreneurs start and grow an online (or traditional) business using the wizardry of AI and navigate their business and life with joy & passion.

There's a few ways I do this.

A business's growth can be capped by its owner's limitations, but the truth is that entrepreneurs can transcend their boundaries through continuous learning, leveraging innovative tools like AI, and embracing mentorship and collaboration.

I see the potential in everyone and I can help you overcome your belief system that prevents you from seeing your potential in you.

That's why I'm known as The Midlife Maestro.

Together we can unpack whatever has been holding you back over the years and set you free to be you.

After that short process, we can begin to explore options to get you into a online profitable business with no limits to growth (such as the options below) or focus on your existing business.

Or both!

If you're ready to elevate your brand, engage with your customers on a deeper level, and drive your business forward, Genius.AI is your go-to platform. Watch the video.

If you would like to see a demonstration of the power of Genius.au tailored to suit your business, then book a free call.

Ready to dive right in? Purchase a monthly subscription here.

Watch a short video to see the power of Genius.ai

A Japanese medical grade device that produces Molecular Hydrogen (H2) water with science based peer reviewed research AND has 68 uses around the home.

Start your business as a Kangen Water ioniser distributor, promoting water wellness & health and build a legacy income.

Not sure?
Book a Discovery Call with me so I can understand where you are and offer some options and see if we can work together.

Remember: Communication is not commitment.
Let's explore some possibilities!